Friday, March 18, 2005


the weather at the moment is rather pleasant - so nice, in fact, that only a vest was required this morning when cycling to newnham from magdalene. I did however wear a skirt and my stupidly impractical furry boots, because i felt it would be a little unkind to inflict upon the innocent residents of cambridge the sight of me on a bike in just a vest. not to mention the fact that bare feet and bike pedals don't mix.
(a moments explanation - newnham is my college at cambridge. magdalene is andrews college. andrew is the senior organ scholar at magdalene. he has a rather impressive room. i am not a scholar of any sort at newnham. i have a very unimpressive room. i live with andrew. in magdalene. in the last five weeks i think i have spent about 3 days in total in newnham college, in collected hours. hopefully this will clarify things a little.....)
andrew is off to a party tonight. it is in the middle of nowhere and will involve him staying the night. being a bit of an antisocial git he doesn't want to go, and also and he has a concert tomorrow which will occupy him from 1 til 10, and he wants some sleep.
i don't want him to go either. we only have two days til i go home and won't see him for four weeks - longest stretch apart since we started going out.
what a selfish moo.
but i shall cope somehow *sobs* and i have a hell of a lot of work (welcome to cambridge!)
on the other hand, i am also going to a party tonight - clare easter bop, theme "myths, legends and stories". with the aid of a black dress and a bottle of stage blood, i intend to go as lady macbeth. should be interesting. last bop was christmas themed and i was november claws' similarly sized helper (explanation will be given at a later stage). as soon as i sort out damned camera software i shall post some pics from said event, as well as from this one.
twas a rough night.....
anyhow, that's enough for now. i have to transport some of my things over to newnham to pack up for the holiday.
*hate packing*


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