New things :)
Well, as can be seen from the photo below (oh, it is seems to be above, in fact), I am now the pround owner of a new hat. The Trilb comes straight in at No. 1 for smartness and elegance; however it has fallen short in craziness, beaten by both my yellow bobble hat (see below) and another item of manic headgear which I have unfortunately (unaccountably?) left at home.
In other news, my mother has damaged herself, so I was at home this weekend picking up the pieces (which, incidentally, is how The Trilb came into my possession) and getting not-very-much work done. Sadly this jaunt to the family domicile has also resulted in my thinking it's the end of term, so I have run out of the manic energy I've been living on for the past few weeks and have gone *flump* (that's the sound, not the marshmallows). Am now on the verge of collapsing, in spite of the amount of sleep I had last night (8 hours, would you believe?!)
Also Fan hasn't contributed greatly to the getting-work-done campaign, since he sent me series 2 of Yes Prime Minister, which I picked up on Sunday and have now finished (bar half an episode). However, this does not stop him being great (Fan, you're great, and don't worry, I have got some work done!)
I like Fan.
I also like Helen for being kind and listening to me rambling on about random rubbish in the evenings.
She is very lovely
Also check out the alliteration in that. I am a master *nods head approvingly at own genius*
What else? Well, I think I am losing weight, but that isn't interesting.
Filming of Dr Who went very well. I had cardboard boxes thrown at me, and then threw bits of magazines at other people. Also I am proud to announce that the vital starring role of 'Doctor's girly bike' went to none other than my own dear Frieda, who deserves every credit for being most tractable on the day of filming, and not playing up for the Doctor (otherwise known as Chris) at all. Which is more than she does for me, bloody fickle bike that she is.
Argh. Have run out of ideas of non-boring things to put into blog. But that's only because I forget things that happen to me, sometimes before they actually happen. I can't remember yesterday, but then I was asleep for most of it.
Ok. Sod this, I've written something, it's not like any of you beggars out there bother reading it.
yay I'm great :D
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