Saturday, March 19, 2005


just got back from clare bop - rather tired, and covered in stage blood! it has congealed on my face and hands, my hair has gone wild and my eyeshadow has ..... shifted.....
it was all rather good, really. ben and i amused various cambridge residents by running through the streets in costume (ben went as loki, the norse fire god), we bought cassis and drank it steadily throughout the night, i taught various people the jitterbug and caught up on the news etc. i didnt even mind the cheesy music once id got enough alcohol inside me!
another friend of mine, paul, went as god. rather amusing, since someone else went as jesus, and insisted on calling him "dad" for the whole of the evening.
and, best bit of the night - had my photo taken in gardies again! so soon ben and i shall once more be in our rightful place on the wall of gardies.
but now lady macbeth is going to make her way towards the shower and try to rid herself of this damned congealed fake blood and all the knots in her hair!
photos shall follow very shortly.....


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