Saturday, April 22, 2006


More specifically the fact that I washed it at 10am this morning, and it's now 10pm and it's still not dry. Now that's impressive!
Dr Who goodness back on our screens! I think David Tennant is actually a pretty damned good Doctor. Not to mention the fact that he's a little foxy.....Mm. Foxy Doctor.
Also managed some work today in the library, despite the presence of the constantly sniffing girl who was making quite a racket, I can tell you! There's very little that's more annoying than someone sniffing constantly when you're trying to work in a library. It's inconsiderate, and also, I don't want to catch it! And before anyone says, 'Oh, but she can't help it' yes she bloody well can! If you're that ill, you shouldn't be in the library anyway, for the sake of the other users. Gahhh!

Ooh. Briefly soap-boxed there. I do apologise!

In other news, I have definitely not damaged my valuable 19th century bureau by spilling boiling water on it. Indeed no. Ahem.
Rod Stewart's Great American Songbook albums are amazingly good easy listening, btw.


Blogger Thing said...

Weeeell, admittedly I did have it done up all day with one of those bar things, so it didn't really get the chance to dry. But it sounded quite fun. Hehe

1:04 am  

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