Bellowhead and assorted
My ankles are aching. And my wrists feel as if they are about to fall off. And my ears have gone slightly deaf and my throat is sore. And I had no tea tonight.
Why? You may be asking that, and you may not be asking that, but I'm going to tell you anyway, because tonight was the night of the much awaited BELLOWHEAD CONCERT (which is harder to type while holding the shift key down than it really sould be - perhaps I should use Caps Lock in future.....).
And it was fabulous.
Utterly splendid.
Wonderful, excellent, and totally groovy, spiffy and wicked!
So groovy, in fact, that I was jigging along so violently and compusively that I failed to take many photos. However, here are the few I did acquire - for once posted in the blog piece itself rather than via Hello - thank Helen for that! :)

A very blurred photo of the band, featuring Jon Boden's pink tie. And another featuring the famous Sousaphone (the metallic shiny circle just above the silhouetted head).

Another image of same.

These two clearly demonstrate how good the music was - I even stopped to focus both of these properly, then got carried away while taking the shot! The one with two stripes is the fiddlers, the other is god knows what.....
The gig was stupendous fun, as earlier intimated. Saw quite a few acquaintances and friends there, had a bit of a gossip and was once more tempted by the Molly people to come over to the Dark Side - I am leaning in that direction, and even Isla is convinced I will be a morris dancer eventually; she knows how Scottish is just not hitting all the buttons for me!
On that note, Katie and I were having some fun in the second to last number, 'The Prickle-eye Bush' - one of my favourites, which we were singing along to very loudly and doing actions to suit the words (not hard), before launching into a little bit of Molly dancing (well, as much as space would allow). I think we were enjoying ourselves rather too much, but then again, is that possible?
The evening was nicely rounded off by an incident in the car park involving an unexpectedly -spouting ticket machine, followed by Isla's, Colm's and my entertaining inability to get Isla out of the back seat of Colm's car. It was rather like one of those moments when you have five people standing around a jar of jam all saying to each other, 'Nope, it won't open.'
In other news, today I spilled hot tomato juice over my coffin, to match the blanched leather of my bureau caused by the spillage of hot water yesterday. Which absolutely didn't happen.
Also view this item:

This is my sock, or more correctly WAS my sock. I was putting it on and a huge hole appeared in it. Miraculous, eh? No idea what could have caused it.....
(brute force. you have seen what I can do to socks, you have heard how I kill things. Be afraid.....)
Heh, one of these days you SHALL cross the line into morris/molly. And then I shall point, and poke (ahem, that is to say, poke MORE), and laugh, Muahahaha.
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