Joys and woes
Well, I haven't been here for some time! And so I shall start somewhere in the middle, meander to the end and then go back to the beginning, because that's fun.
1) I got a job at a cafe. It's very cool and I have graduated from skivvy to kitchen wench because I'm dead sexy. Nice people, nice place.
2) Today I was bought a bright yellow umbrella! Anyone that knows my obsession with enormous brightly coloured umbrellas will understand how overwhelmingly excited I am about this (although not in that's not a fetish or anything)
3) I have begun playing the cello again. It's such a wonderful instrument - in fact it's still my favourite :D. Unfortuntely, the callouses on my fingers have disappeared since I haven't played the thing for about 2-3 years, but it's slowly getting less painful.....
4) I have been seized by a desire to create attractive pieces of art for friends rather than buying them cheap shop cards. Unfortunately my lack of card has resulted in me missing several important occasions.....oops. I have rectified the situation now, though, and it won't be long before those beautiful pieces of art are gracing the mantlepieces, bedside tables and wastepaper bins of those I know and love.
5) Today, I indulged a craving I have had for about half a year. Yes folks, I bought a mini-skirt! Look out for these sexy legs on a street-corner near you. (If you haven't seen my legs before, I suggest you try here)
6) Alas, I am having boyfriend problems. The problem is mainly that I've forgotten who my boyfriend is since he went to Edinburgh at the end of last month. I have been trying to pluck up courage all week to call him and tell him all is not right, but I've been chickening out. Cowardy custard (tart).
7) I am newly in love with El Greco. He is an ultimate dude. Also, what the f**k was Hieronymous Bosch on?? That painting is from the 15th century - can you believe it? I love Surrealism, but I had no idea that it began before Dali and that lot! Marvellous! I saw paintings by both of these in the flesh (oil and canvas) at Upton House last weekend. What an experience!
8) I really need to tidy my bedroom.
9) I have far more jewellery than I thought I did.
10) Lennox Berkeley. That's all I have to say on that subject. Found some pieces of his in my cupboard last week. *sigh*
11) The house is being taken over by fruit!
12) Have some photos of my garden :D

took me ages to realise that the link to your legs is one of my photos...
yay for pretty garden and mini skirt :)
oooh bosch and dali, very much like their crazy paintings! If you find anyone else with the same detailed random creepiness do let me know :) hope you're all right, get in touch some time,
J xx
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