Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Hmm. What news? Well, as suggested by the title of this blog, I have got blisters. This is because of my BEAUTIFUL new sandals which I was wearing yesterday. But they are not very bad blisters.....
Otherwise, I am now back at uni, trying to work and failing miserably, and still unpacking, even though I got back on Sunday (the reunion with Andrew went on longer than expected :D). I went out (with Andrew) for dinner last night, I listened to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue today, and I discovered the delights of Lady Grey tea, which is rather nicer than Earl Grey, and a little more citrusy.
Well, that's been the last few days. If anyone can think of anything exciting that I may have done, please will they let me know?

Some new definitions for you:

Eegret - an apology sent by computer
Boutique - a startling kind of hardwood
Loggerheads - people who are addicted to sniffing lumberjacks
Granary - old folk's home
Tapioca - a disappointingly average dance routine
Undertaker - a half-hearted shoplifter
Trigonometry - a cowboy's method for locating his horse

And some songs taken from the policeman's songbook:

"Dee doo doo doo, de dah dah dah, we must get that siren fixed"
"Every breathaliser you take"
"Flash Bang Wallop, he tripped down the steps your honour"
"Fit me up before you go go"
That old Beatles classic "Get back, there's nothing to see, come on, get back"
"What shall we do with this truncheon, sailor?"
"Karma karma karma karma karmalong with me, sir"


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