Monday, December 11, 2006

Still know this exists.....just!

Boy trouble, which oddly enough is not bothering me like it should. Had another dream about him last night where he tried to be arsey and jealous (something I have occasionally tried to provoke before, unsuccessfully) and I was having none of it. I think that if I'd remained asleep I'd have dumped him. This is turning into a recurring theme of my nocturnal imaginings. If he'd only give me a ring I might actually do it.
The thing is, I'm pretty much not bothered by anything he's doing/not doing atm. And when he does ring/come over, I'm faintly irritated by him. This to me sounds like the end of a relationship. Another thing is that I've stopped learning things from this relationship, which also suggests stagnation. Also the fact that I keep thinking about all the other people in this world who could make me feel special and loved DOESN'T smack of a long-term future with the current boy.

I'm particularly thinking of girls atm. I think that, back in the summer, the trigger switch for my latent lesbianism was well and truly pressed. I have subsequently bought a mini skirt, a waistcoat, a men's shirt, I've cut my hair very short and have discovered the joys of gothy eyeliner, I have started properly hanging out with my sister and the LBG lot and I've kind of fallen for a girl in college (only a light-hearted mini-crush! She is taken, you see). But it seems that I am no longer repressing the thoughts or trying to hide the fact that I find women as attractive as men :) and next time I want a girl!

Otherwise things this weekend were lovely. I had a 12hr day at work on Saturday and was put in charge of the whole kitchen in the evening, despite never having worked in the kitchen on an evening before! But it was very quiet so we spent most of the time doing crosswords. I came home to my mum's delicious fish in homemade batter and carrot+potato mash which was utterly DELICIOUS and is soooooo something I'm trying next term when I want to impress! (Maybe for whoever my sweetie is on Valentine's Day!) On Sunday the parents and I went to look at golf clubs. Yes. My mother took up golf for the sake of her shoulder, and then my dad wanted to try, and then I did. And now my shoulder hurts like mad! When we got back I got out a load of recipe books to leanr how to make sweets and things so I can be REALLY impressive and stop Chris going on about how wonderful Cat is! If we are still going out, that is.....I don't think the shoulder was helped by my painting the hall on Sunday evening either, but it was good fun and I had paint on the soles of my feet after!

Ok I go shower now, then maybe into town for ingredients for sweeties :D Peppermint creams, truffles, praline.....mmmMMMMMMMMM!


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