The week so far.....
Now the proud owner of a duduk, which I can't play. Also the less than proud owner of a blister on my left middle finger, caused by playing the cello for the first time in about 2 years on Sunday night, when I also learned how to salsa in Clare Cellars. A night of great learning.
The first Reel Club with me at the helm on Monday night - was terrified that it would all go wrong, but it was ok (apart from the tiredness of the 5am Molly Dancers - maybe I shouldn't have put J. B. Milne on the programme.....good thing we never found the cribs for that 32x Strathspey 80x Jig medley, really.....) In fact, Naomi saw me the other day and told me that the programme was really good! *glows* Also my first go at calling - not that I had to do much since everyone knows Reel of the 51st. Tried to call Spiffin' and failed miserably, but at least in style!
Also failed to convince my head of department that I wasn't dozing off in his class on Tuesday:
'Before you fall terminally asleep, perhaps you could give us lines 9 to 15?'
'Me? I'm not falling asleep! Not at Yeah. Line what?'
Also managed to fall asleep in the library instead of working. Blame the boy. Last time he comes round on a week night.....
After a day of productiveness yesterday I went to Kim and Andy's for Desperate Housewives last night, which was wildly entertaining due to E4's utter incompetance! Utterly marvellous! See here for details :) (so lazy) Also saw the boy unexpectedly, but didn't take him home. Such strong will and resolution!
So yes, it is now all official. Not that he asked me or anything - no, he just casually dropped it into the conversation that some of his friends were trying to find out who his girlfriend is. I almost said, 'Oh, didn't know you had a girlfriend. Is she nice?' but I resisted.
Right. Off to research minority groups. Woohoo.
Possibly will have some tea and chocolate spread first. That's the only problem with the library - I can't take my cuppa with me! There really should be an eating room as well as a group study room.....
Toodles xxx
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