Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A little meme for you all

"Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as stating this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names."

1) I used to play team lacrosse for my school. Never thought I was sporty, did you? :p

2) My first kiss was to the tune of Firestarter, by Prodigy. I never did get the guy's name.....

3) I write poetry. I promise you, though, it is not angst! I have never written an angsty poem in my life. I also enjoy writing fiction - always have done, used to get it read out at school - but I am such a lazy git I doubt I'll ever get round to finishing anything.....also everyone is doing it and I've always hated being one of the crowd!

4) I pull the ends of my eyebrows out when I'm stressed. Which is all the time. Then I have to draw them in again. Please don't stare at them when next you see me!

5) One of the best moments of my life was playing Bartok's 3rd Piano Concerto. For many many years I had wanted to be a musician and for a brief moment, I was one. Also, the ego boost of having an entire orchestra there JUST to accompany you is amazing!

6) I can't draw very well, I'm not an especially tidy musician (I can play, but not especially regularly!), I can sew in a functional way but not very precisely, my writing is all over the place.....but one thing I CAN do neatly with my hands is knit and crochet. Wool and I work together well. Anyone want a scarf for their birthday? I've got one in blue, purple and turquoise in a fairly manly sort of stitch.....

7) I had elocution lessons as a child. I have subsequently refused to use the received pronunciation which I, er, received. One day, though, I shall become a batty professor with the most perfectly rounded vowels you will ever have heard :D

8) I am terrified of church bells. I think it's called campophobia, which makes me sound like I'm scared of effeminate homosexuals. It's a very strange fear and one I only discovered at the age of 15 when climbing a church tower in Lubeck with a friend of mine. I was fine until I saw the bell, at which point my legs froze and refused to carry me further. I dragged myself up the stairs by my arms in order to look at the view from the window, gasped "Very nice!" and half-ran, half-fell back down about two flights to safety. These days, I don't go up church towers

9) I have a prescription of -10 in my left eye and -9.5 in the right.

10) My favourite colour is grey, not purple. Now there's a surprise!

Er, yeah. I tag everyone.

Happy New Year! Look at my Livejournal for my life.....


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