Friday, May 05, 2006

Feeling random, so have some randomness

Things I am currently 'addicted' to:

1) Tea. I woke up this morning and didn't make my usual cuppa immediately. Roughly 5 minutes of faffing later I began hallucinating the smell of tea. It was really strong. Very odd.
2) MSN, though I am definitely learning how to turn it off when I need to :)
3) Internet quizzes. Recently I found out that I am apple green, that I have a 'bright star' soul and that were I a Harry Potter character, I'd be Nymphadora Tonks. Very interesting but totally irrelevant. I haven't yet worked out how to stop doing these.....
4) Gin. Haven't had gin for about 2 weeks and it's killing me. (No, I'm not an alcoholic)
5) Chocolate. Of course.
6) Very embarrassing.
7) Blogger. Not so embarrassing.
8) Chris Stout - brilliant Shetland fiddler who Isla introduced me to recently and whom I adore wholeheartedly (apart from that corner of my heart that is reserved for Bellowhead!)
9) Programming. For those among you who think that I'm now computer literate, I'm referring to dance programmes. My success at the Reel Club the other night has given me a buzz for it! Looking forward to next time :)
10) Eating chocolate spread straight from the jar.

Guilty pleasures:

1) GO fanfic. It's so shit but I can't stop reading it!
2) skyehawke, home of the fanfic of one Sam Vimes, who is absolutely wonderful at Terry Pratchett stuff. So it's not quite such a guilty pleasure really.....
3) Lie-ins. Should be up at 7.30 every day (apart from Sunday when it's legitimate to lie in until at least 9). However I got up today at 9.17. Feel the guilt radiating off me.....
4) Coven meetings (otherwise known as I Hate Men). But it's so much fun to get together over tea and complain about our respective other halves. However since I've only been going out with my other half for about a week (if that), I feel guilty for starting so early on the poor boy.
5) Eating chocolate spread straight from the jar.

Things I should do:

1) Eat more than 2 meals a day. Not eating is a self destructive process.
2) Accept that the boy is male and is going to act like a male. Also that he can't take subtle hints, even if he's slapped in the face with them.
3) Stop eating chocolate spread straight from the jar (yes, I know I've made this resolution before)

On Woman's Hour today: 'For those with spare time on their hands, how to make a napkin ring from a single hyacinth' Nice to know they're still keeping up with modern times on Radio 4 :)

Also, from ISIHAC yesterday, Tim and Willie's Blues (in a calypso form) on the subject of the West Indies (read out loud):

'Woke up dis mornin',
My wife had gone
To de West Indies
For de sun.
Now you questioning me,
D'ya make 'er?
No, Trinidad
With Freddie Laker!'


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