Sunday, October 22, 2006

A little more from the land of Camb

I have lost a flip flop. Just the one. I've looked all over my room but I have no idea where it's gone. This means I'm now going to the shower in one flip flop (a flip?), which looks weird. I suppose I could go in bare feet, but that would be simple.

In other news, the essay of prehistoric doom is dying! I spent 3 hours in the UL killing it (and playing solitaire just a little bit) and have as a consequence discovered a new form of fear - descending from the 6h floor in the lift.....I found it best not to think on the way down, but I was exceedingly relieved when it got to the 1st floor without mishap. Also managed to get myself locked in by not leaving at 25 to 5 (it's open til 5, ffs!) and then finding the door locked. Cue brief moment of panic when I thought I was going to be stuck there overnight before I discovered the other door was open.

Ah well. I had a lovely lovely night out last night, followed by a lovely lovely night in, followed by an angle-grinder, which I hope is sorted out now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006


It's been quite a week. From regular clockwork life with the parents (except for the occasional spontaneous combustions), I have fallen back into the Camb madness. Readers of this blog will have observed that not everything has gone smoothly - however, I am feeling much less pathetic than I was last post. Apologies for boring the pants off anyone in the first part of this. I will try to make up for it with amusing anecdotes etc later on. I have highlighted points of note, so you can skim those if the idea of such a bulk of text terrifies you.

Got up. Packed. Had brief row. More packing. Finally (2hrs late) waved goodbye and set off Camb-wards. Unloaded. Pissed down with rain (fortunately just after completion of unloading).
Shopping, and I remembered how much I hate the Camb Sainsburys. Unexpected meeting with both Ben and Helen in the middle of the street! Unpacked. Flying visit to a slightly poorly Isla. Arrival of boy. Cooked stir-fry - uneventful but for the fact that we did too few noodles so I kept the plates warm over bowls of boiling water while he hurriedly did some more. Pleasant evening, marred slightly by his suggestion that he was going to go home instead of stay the night (he changed his mind. The trick is not to let them know you are changing their minds for them!)

Tried to throw boy out at reasonable time, but he hung around a bit. Faffed. Meeting with Amy due to sudden announcement that the Reel Club DID have a stall at the Freshers Fair after all!
Spent most of day feeling slightly ill, boy-related. Went to visit Ben in his new flat with spiral staircase, and danced like an idiot to some gypsy-punk. It was quite amazing. I wish I fancied Ben, because he'd make a far better boyfriend than almost anyone else, being the simplest man I've ever met. Dancing in evening. Forgot the CDs, then forgot the folder with the CD list on. Didn't forget squash and brownies though. Danced, pubbed, Isla came back and we talked til 2 in the morning. Went to bed very tired.

Dragged self up earlyish, got to Freshers Fair to set things up. Was given a yellow rose by an old *ahem* friend. Saw boy as related in previous post, so spent most of day feeling ill and sick. Gave in and called boy. Thought he was coming over, but instead he rang me. Almost cracked, put down phone, txted saying I needed to see him, went over, cried on his shoulder for about an hour unable to speak, was put to bed. Slept very badly.

Buggered off from boy's at some ungodly hour, went home and cooked carrot and coriander soup for me and Saf. Took longer than expected, so turned up late to Freshers Fair. Isla, Colm and myself, otherwise known as the Dream Team, were on, so was muchly muchly fun. Imbibed a peculiar drink known as 'Shark', which contains caffeine and something called taurine, which is as yet unidentified but was probably the cause of my hands shaking so violently by the end of the fair! Also taught to juggle and forced to sign up to the society mailing list. Fun fun. Unpacked fair and beat Isla and Colm back to Newnham, being on a bike while they were in a car.....also was given chocolates to go with my rose :) Tidied room for Saf, only to discover that some bastard had turned off my water. Not only my water, but all the water in the damned building. Being obsessive-compulsive, this is possibly my worst nightmare, but the bottle of wine Saf brought helped alleviate some of that! She ate all the soup, and we talked for a long long time about boys. Useless bastards, the lot of them. After she left, I called the boy and was permitted to stay the night once more. Dropped in on sister for a bit, then went over to boy. Ended up in a medics party which was good fun, then went back and to bed. Slept rather better.

Woke up at 6.30 to go to loo, came back and the boy had turned ill: I offered to make passionate love to him and then he ran downstairs to retch over a toilet bowl. Hopefully not connected. So I spent the wee hours looking after him, thus neatly breaking my sleep for the fourth night in a row. Went to a faculty meeting, which as I predicted to the boy, went something along the lines of, "Here are some bits of paper. Come back at 12 and I'll tell you what you'll be doing this term." Useful. On returning to boy discovered he was a lot better, also sound asleep so I had to ring him twice to be let in :-s Considering I had been trying to help him, he said some slightly hurtful things, but also was grateful for my presence, apparently. Returned to faculty to find out what I am meant to be doing this term. Tried to investigate the Linguistics paper further, which involved Johanna and myself wandering round MML like lost Freshers, asking people at random where linguistics might be. Eventually we found it, only to find it clashes, so it's Prehistory for us then! According to my DoS, I "bombed Arabic". Ah well, no surprise there. Spent the afternoon photocopying texts for this term (wahey for Gilgamesh, once again!) and trying to avoid the rain. Attended CULES squash and was introduced as "she studies something very weird which I can't remember the name of, and she's very tall". Was mostly very bored at the squash after Helen left. Retired to pub, having once again been subjected to some of the boy's hurtful remarks (they aren't intentional, just thoughtless.) Was miserable for some time, before going off to talk to Saf and Kim who always cheer me up. Then the boy gave me a plan of action for the rest of the evening, which was truly amazing, and Saf and I were left in wonder. And on the way back into town, he even offered to come over the next evening briefly, which was almost unprompted, though he also advised that if I asked to come over again, he would have had to find a polite way to tell me to go away and boil my head. Cheers. That made me feel nice and wanted. I think I may well be something of a hobby to him. Ah well, he spends a fair amount of time on his hobbies, so that's okish I guess. It's not like I don't say hurtful things to him sometimes, though they tend to be defensive. Met Johanna in Sainsburys and we arranged a dinner on Sunday night, hopefully. Went home alone to my own bed and slept like a baby.

Gilgamesh. I can truly tell I'm back in Cambridge when the furthest I've walked all day is along the corridor to the shower in the morning. Boy came over "for forty-five minutes" and left 2hrs later. It wasn't as if it was me making him stay, either (though I have found a most effective way of getting him to!) Anyway, that was fun, and I still got the bed to myself at the end of it - perfect.

Gilgamesh and baroque music. I went even less far today, since the bathroom down the corridor is now working, but there is a ceilidh tonight on the other side of town, so that'll fulfil my exercise requirements. I think the Matric Photo may be going on under my window atm. Joy.

Hopefully my next posts won't be quite as dull as 'My life, isn't it great everyone?' But I wanted to post this so I could remember what exactly has happened to me this week! I am tired and still full of stress at the boy, but am also getting back into my work (evil cursive Old Babylonian, you make my head ache! Why don't you leave spaces between the signs???) and have lots of friends around, so on the whole I'm happier than I was a week ago :) Now to decide if I'm going to go for a panto this term or not, and if I want to take up juggling!
There. Isn't that nice?
Next week, "What I hate about Cambridge"!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Another blurgh post - apologies

Why is it that the little things are the ones that matter most?

Today, my other half and I were both at the Freshers Fair with our respective societies. I went down to deliver some flyers to a different stall, and to say hi to him and the other cule who was there. I had been there less than a minute before he announced that he was going up to say hello to his diving friends who were in the same room as my society. Off he breezed with barely a goodbye, I delivered the flyers and went back up as he was coming down. Being somewhat annoyed with his behaviour I was quite quiet, which he put down to tiredness. He disappeared back downstairs and when it got to 2 o' clock, his shift was over, and he left without saying goodbye to me.

Now, I know these are not grievous crimes but it made me rather upset and I've been feeling ill for most of the day through stressing over it. If he'd been a bit thoughtful, he might have considered that I would like to know that he was leaving, or that saying goodbye to one's girlfriend is an excuse to go and see her. He could even have suggested meeting up some time later, but no. He just left.
It makes me wonder how much I actually mean to him. I know he likes my company, but it seems that unlike me, he is happy to go for quite a long time without seeing me. I mean, I don't want to spend every minute of my time with him, but if presented with the opportunity to spend some time together I'd jump at the chance. I'd be happy to see him every day. Is this a woman-thing? Is it just not as important to boys that they see their girlfriends regularly? The not-knowing when I will see him next, or even why I won't be seeing him (because he rarely tells me much of what's going on in his life) is making me feel permanently ill. And that is not conducive to work, which, after all, is what I am here for.....