Monday, July 17, 2006


Off to Upton House yesterday - spent all my time there sitting in the shade eating fudge and reading my Cubism book. I have photos somewhere.....

Pretty, n'est ce pas? I do like that place. It has an excitingly steep vegetable garden and some big fish. Wouldn't mind living there, were it not for the hoards of tourists.
However, going to Upton is a fairly regular occurence for me, it being near home, but yesterday's trip was exciting for one reason; namely my spying, to my utter delight, this tiny little pygmy shrew scurrying along the edge of the swimming pool!

It's really hard to see in the photo. I'd never seen one before, but I can tell you they are the tiniest cutest little mousey things ever. My vocabulary is clearly not up to the task of describing the adorable nature and diminutive proportions of the creatures! Anyway, I was mightily pleased to have spotted the wee beastie and spent ages watching it while everyone else buggered off to get some tea. Unromantic lot.

The rest of the day involved thinking about doing some planting before going to pick fruit and seeing this sunset:

and this frog:

Sitting here drinking Darjeeling, very concious of the fact that I'm supposed to have started peeling veg 15 minutes ago.....

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Since Helen went to Devon.....

- I got a job, at Victoria Coffee House. I wandered in off the street and asked if they had any hours going, and I started that very same day! Hurrah for spontaneity! (Which I just spectacularly misspelled. Dope-brain.)
- I saw my boy
- I learned about modern art - the library is a wonderful place! I have about 7 books on art; one on Klimt, who was a Symbolist (I think), one on Kandinsky (Abstract), one on Pre-Raphaelite women (it's ok to like them because they use wonderfully bright colours!), two on Modern Art and Painting in general, one on the Post-Impressionists and one on the Cubists. I love Cubism. I am having to employ my brain quite a lot when I read the books, because they are full of fascinating yet complex ideas about art, beauty, perspective etc ad inf. I am hoping to become a more rounded and thoughtful person through this study, but if I keep on reading about the Cubists I have a horrible feeling my perspective will suffer.
(sorry, that was quite appalling)
- I finished 'The Scarlet Letter', which I thoroughly enjoyed, although it was quite a tough read
- I bought some terribly exciting plants, which I have yet to plant into a bed (and also don't know the name of). They look like bright furry flames! One's bright pink, one is red and the last is orange. They're gorgeous, and I've bought some begonias and impatiens to go around them and create a truly garish front bed. However, the ants have once again foiled me, so I am going to have to get rid of them before I can do any planting in that particular area. Having experience of ants, I feel it may be wiser to move the projected bed elsewhere.....
- I read another Sharpe book, lent to me by Chris when he came to stay. I think it could have been part of the reason why.....
- .....I had some very weird dreams which have left me feeling a little drained, and also mean I've been sending some very peculiar messages to some people.....apologies, anyone who has received such. I shall stop reading unsettling literature before I go to bed, and that goes for my bf's ex's blog too! It's too weird!
- I rediscovered Bartok's 3rd Piano Concerto, and it seems I can still remember some considerable amount of it. Go me!
- I discovered the rather exciting LJ group 'Men In Kilts' (it's not a fetish, honest!)
- I saw Peter Pan, the film not the Disney, and I thought it was truly marvellous! And I wasn't at all irritated by the child actors, which is rare for me :)
- I got a tan. No, really. Honest. It's faint, and it's probably lighter than most people's ordinary skin colour, but it's a tan alright! For someone who hates the fashion of tanning oneself, I am absurdly delighted by this. I think it's the novelty.
- I re-read some Harry Potter, and am even more firmly convinced that it is clunky and unoriginal, and filled with irrelevant and peripheral plotline which if trimmed out would make for a much more fluent read.
-I did some writing for the first time in a long time, and was pleased with the result. However I haven't looked at it since Monday and I know it'll need a lot of intense work to make it as near to perfect as I can get. I am looking forward to doing that at some point in the near future when I'm bored and less tired than I am this weekend - too hot for anything other than lolling around! No wonder I've been in such a strange mood!

This week I am looking forward to:

- making some money
- going to London - off to the Modernism exhibition at the V&A
- Warwick Folk Festival!!! Can't wait! Also, my cousin is performing there, and it'll be lovely to see her again :)
- Isla visiting (for the festival, of course) which naturally means dancing! Woo! My ankle is much less painful than it was so (fingers crossed) it should be fine for the weekend. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to drag her along to the French dancing workshop, despite knowing most of it already! There will presumably be some fun Bouree moves we haven't tried yet. Yay for French dance!
- planting my bed.....we can but hope.