Saturday, April 23, 2005


I have just found out that I've not covered.....erm.....quite significant amounts of work which will be turning up in my mock exam on Monday! Argh argh argh!
So if my funeral is announced, you will all know why.....


Has been a while since I last posted. I have been spending the last few days in a mixture of work and not-work round at Andrew's. Tis koo. Also I haven't spoken to Fan for a couple of days and he's the one that reminds me to blog. So there you are. A complete excuse.
But I have managed to get out a bit in the last week. Admittedly only to Clare College, but it was enough for me and Ben to hitch onto the Clare punt that Alex, Paul and Matt were taking out. This was the first time I had ever been punting and it was FUN! :D Very fun. Except for the time that Ben took us through a rose bush in an attempt to avoid another punt coming towards us, much to the amusement of passing tourists. The tourists also found his three point turn manouvere rather entertaining. We in the punt didn't.
No, I malign his skills too much. It was only his second attempt at punting and he did marvelously well. Unlike the time when he rather stupidly got out of the punt onto one of the pillars of Trinity bridge, at which point the punt team left him there, much to the great joy and bemusement of tourists and students alike.

And so to jokes. Actually, I shan't put any jokes in this one but instead a limerick I picked up off ISIHAC that perfectly compliments today's subject:

While out on the Cam in my punt
I saw Dr Spooner in front
He said "What a day gay,
"For this mime of Tay,
"And make way for my podding sunt!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

wahey! picasa is working! So I thought I'd put up a pretty picture for everyone to look at. It's Grasmere in the Lake District, in June during a light drizzle, not long after I dropped my camera and smashed the filter on my zoom lens..... But that's another story Posted by Hello

joke of the day

I have recently worked out that I know more lightbulb jokes than I can remember, most of them to do with musicians. So, to get them out of my system, I intend to post one every day, for your enjoyment and pleasure.
I also know many other musical jokes (mostly against violists. As a cellist I have no compunctions about this, having had to stomach sitting next to the viola section for the last five years of my life.....) so expect some of them too.

A bit of a theme today:

How do you get a violist to play a passage pianissimo tremolando?
Mark it "solo."

One against the cellists, just to show I'm not biased:

How do you get a 'cellist to play fortissimo?
Write "pp, espressivo"

And the promised lightbulb one - one of my favourites:

How many clarinetists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one, but he'll go through a whole box of bulbs before he finds just the right one.


Google Toolbar Installed

Yay! I have installed the google toolbar which means instant access to blog! How terribly exciting!
In other news this week, I have been back to my room (ye gods) and have finally unpacked and made it all nice and comfy and cosy and liveable-in. Not that I use it all that much any more..... Also, I have got to grips with my new steamer, which was rather exciting. I managed to make mashed potatoes yesterday, with brocolli and spinach and cheese, though due to a slight error in calculating the times required for cooking, I was forced to eat the brocolli and spinach first, followed ten minutes later by the potato..... However, it was all very tasty and I look forward to further experimentation.
I have also acquired a bat! Thanks to Andrew, on whose mantlepiece it currently resides. I expect it shall be moving in shortly.
Ben has arrived back, and we have been planning how to spend May Week recording films to go with some crazy Jewish music he has brought back with him. If there is anyone in the Cambridge area who wishes to take part in this filming, please get in contact. It is unpaid, but should be very fun. It will involve such things as sitting in the windows of Clare College with oars, pretending to row, and running around in circles dressed in bowler hats and suits. Expect amateur circumstances.
Well, I shall now return to my cup of Lady Grey. Good day all!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


now i have to work myself up to the mammoth task of MAKING MY BED!


Hmm. What news? Well, as suggested by the title of this blog, I have got blisters. This is because of my BEAUTIFUL new sandals which I was wearing yesterday. But they are not very bad blisters.....
Otherwise, I am now back at uni, trying to work and failing miserably, and still unpacking, even though I got back on Sunday (the reunion with Andrew went on longer than expected :D). I went out (with Andrew) for dinner last night, I listened to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue today, and I discovered the delights of Lady Grey tea, which is rather nicer than Earl Grey, and a little more citrusy.
Well, that's been the last few days. If anyone can think of anything exciting that I may have done, please will they let me know?

Some new definitions for you:

Eegret - an apology sent by computer
Boutique - a startling kind of hardwood
Loggerheads - people who are addicted to sniffing lumberjacks
Granary - old folk's home
Tapioca - a disappointingly average dance routine
Undertaker - a half-hearted shoplifter
Trigonometry - a cowboy's method for locating his horse

And some songs taken from the policeman's songbook:

"Dee doo doo doo, de dah dah dah, we must get that siren fixed"
"Every breathaliser you take"
"Flash Bang Wallop, he tripped down the steps your honour"
"Fit me up before you go go"
That old Beatles classic "Get back, there's nothing to see, come on, get back"
"What shall we do with this truncheon, sailor?"
"Karma karma karma karma karmalong with me, sir"

Friday, April 15, 2005

cup of tea?

I have just had an incident with my tea.
It is just gone nine, I was up this morning at half past eight, for the first time in the holidays, and appropriately I went downstairs to make a cup of tea, as one does early in the morning if one is like me. In went the teabag, in went the hot water, and then, being bored of waiting for it, i went back upstairs again to listen to the radio. 20 mins later I remember the tea, hurry back downstairs, remove teabag and fish the milk out of the fridge.
So far so good. Almost anyone can carry out this simple procedure, even when half awake. The trouble started when I tried experimenting with ways of making the tea stir the milk in itself when I pour it. I tried stirring it vigourously with the spoon, before removing said spoon and adding the milk in small amounts so as to allow complete integration. However, alas, I cannot multitask first thing in the morning. As I was concentrating on removing the spoon from the tea and not dripping it all over my trousers, my left hand, which had in its grasp the uncapped milk carton, slipped, unfortunately pouring about half the carton into my tea mug.

However, regrettable though the incident was (my tea will never be the same), it struck me that buried deep within the sad affair was a rather political message. Take the tea as England, and the milk as immigrants, wishing to find a place in this fair Isle. My original idea about integrating the milk into my cuppa can be seen rather like the Tory policy on immigration - a limited number of immigrants, here to perform specific functions and all to be fully integrated into British society. However, add the incompetant left (hand, but also political stance) and you have what the Tories claim will happen if Labour are allowed to continue in power - mass immigration, a complete swamping of the country with foreign immigrants, and a rather peculiar taste at the end of it.....
Though it does amuse me that the Tories believe Labour to be left wing.

Oh, and just in case you were worrying, I'm not a Tory, nor am I anti-immigration. The political analogy merely appealled to me.

Kick 'em out! Kick 'em all out!
(And that includes all the children of immigrants.....Mr Howard.....)
lol x

Monday, April 11, 2005

llama llama duck

For all those out there as bored as I am.....



Nothing is happening. My life is an empty shell, full of space in which exciting things could be happening.....
Actually, I bought clothes the other day. This was exciting. They are pretty rather than practical. This is very rare. I also bought some very VERY pretty sandals. This is unheard of. I hate shoes.