Thursday, November 24, 2005


I have further proof of my catness. Look at these, and tell me I'm not a Cheshire cat:

Notice how the size of the smile is directly proportional to the level of inebriation.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Reasons I am a cat:

1. I sleep a lot, and in some very unlikely places
2. I like to be warm and can always find the central heating in any room (and am almost guarenteed to curl up next to it)
3. I dislike the rain
4. I hate swimming and only do it when absolutely necessary
5. I am fastidious and tend to tidy up after myself
6. I climb trees a lot
7. I purr when my hair is stroked
8. I like to be clean and tidy
9. I'm good at recovering my composure
10. I can be found curled up in some unlikely places
11. I tend to have good balance
12. If anyone is tossing a ball to and fro, I will be following the movement with my eyes
13. I am independent
14. I like to fall asleep curled up on people

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Old joke. So old that it's now three times the age of the universe.....

As you can see, incessant pokage of Chris (in an online sense, mostly) has finally produced the wonderful image below! Reports on the birthday party later when I have spare time.....that'll be about 3 years then.....

Who? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Robinson's I'm-not-a bike shelter Posted by Picasa


It's been one of those days. Well, it's been one of those weeks, but today has been especially one-of-those-days-ish. To start with I forgot to change my radio station, and so was woken up by Melvyn Bragg and a bunch of others discussing the philosophy of pragmatism, which did nothing for my morning-after-the-night-before state. Then when I went to have a shower, the cleaner had turned up and shut our bathroom while she cleaned. Understandable, and I have nothing against cleaners, but since my bathroom was out of action I was forced to endure a tour of the other bathrooms in my hall; and believe me, I now know why everyone calls the bathroom on my floor 'really nice'. The showers in almost every bathroom I tried are those push-button types, which technically should stay on for about a minute, but in almost all cases went off immediately. Now what is the point of that? Utterly stupid to have to stand holding the shower on, thus rendering oneself incapable of opening the shampoo bottle.....
So eventually I found a shower which was able to stay on for a decent period of time. Shower done, I had breakfast and so on, before settling down to work. I was proceeding nice and gently through my supervision exercise, when suddenly I remembered some other work that I had been set to do for today, and for The Dragon, even worse! So I rushed down to the library to complete said piece of work, skipping a (not very important) lecture and almost missing lunch in the process, before my afternoon started (supervision at 2, lecture at 3, supervision at 4)
Finished at last! I hopped on the bike to arrive at my supervision early for once! Only to discover that my supervision is off because my supervisor is in Denmark. I was informed of this by Martin, the guy who's lecture I skipped today.
So yes, so far so good.....and I currently have a wasp in my room, about which I am really cross - it's bloody November!

Anyway, yesterday should also be posted here. I had a dull morning with lectures and lectures (did however acquire a translation of the Poor Man of Nippur, which will save me a lot of time preparing for Martin's lectures, if ever I go to them.....). Lunchtime I went over to Serena's, who I haven't seen for AGES, and that was all very pleasant. I took this photo (see above) in Robinson when I was parking my bike. Serena was cooking for us, so I offered to help, and managed to slice my thumb open while cutting peppers (for the first time ever!). Much hilarity and outpourings of mirth (blood?) ensued.
So we had a nice natter, and I got to slag off my ex a bit (which I don't do very much nowadays, partly on account of everyone slagging him off for me.....), and then I returned for a good afternoon's procrastination before the Dr Who Party in the evening! Wooo!
And it was terribly fun! We drank stuff (in my case red wine, white wine and schnapps with a Jelly Baby dissolved into it) and ate pizzas and watched The Genesis of the Daleks. There was talk of doing a montage of Tom Baker peering around corners in a suspicious manner, and the general concensus was that the BBC made our own effort look professional. Especially the bit with the clam (BBC, not us).
The evening ended in Cat's room, with chatter about the films and stealing things from Chris (I stole his hat and scarf, Saf stole his birthday party).
I have also come to the conclusion that Jon is exactly like my uncle Andrew, who is himself an amateur ac-tor. The likeness is uncanny - they even sound the same.
Anyhow, thus is my life. Am off now to refresh the work for my supervision with The Dragon *scary fantasy-film-style music plays to fade-out*

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

New things :)

Well, as can be seen from the photo below (oh, it is seems to be above, in fact), I am now the pround owner of a new hat. The Trilb comes straight in at No. 1 for smartness and elegance; however it has fallen short in craziness, beaten by both my yellow bobble hat (see below) and another item of manic headgear which I have unfortunately (unaccountably?) left at home.
In other news, my mother has damaged herself, so I was at home this weekend picking up the pieces (which, incidentally, is how The Trilb came into my possession) and getting not-very-much work done. Sadly this jaunt to the family domicile has also resulted in my thinking it's the end of term, so I have run out of the manic energy I've been living on for the past few weeks and have gone *flump* (that's the sound, not the marshmallows). Am now on the verge of collapsing, in spite of the amount of sleep I had last night (8 hours, would you believe?!)
Also Fan hasn't contributed greatly to the getting-work-done campaign, since he sent me series 2 of Yes Prime Minister, which I picked up on Sunday and have now finished (bar half an episode). However, this does not stop him being great (Fan, you're great, and don't worry, I have got some work done!)
I like Fan.
I also like Helen for being kind and listening to me rambling on about random rubbish in the evenings.
She is very lovely

Also check out the alliteration in that. I am a master *nods head approvingly at own genius*

What else? Well, I think I am losing weight, but that isn't interesting.

Filming of Dr Who went very well. I had cardboard boxes thrown at me, and then threw bits of magazines at other people. Also I am proud to announce that the vital starring role of 'Doctor's girly bike' went to none other than my own dear Frieda, who deserves every credit for being most tractable on the day of filming, and not playing up for the Doctor (otherwise known as Chris) at all. Which is more than she does for me, bloody fickle bike that she is.

Argh. Have run out of ideas of non-boring things to put into blog. But that's only because I forget things that happen to me, sometimes before they actually happen. I can't remember yesterday, but then I was asleep for most of it.

Ok. Sod this, I've written something, it's not like any of you beggars out there bother reading it.

The Trilb, my newest hat :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I feel the need to blog again.
Well, actually I don't, but Fan is nagging me.
I am very busy.
CULES has started to take over my life.
I need sleep.
And a lump of chocolate cake.
Mmmm cake.

Will possibly blog soon.

Ben Parker's secrets to a happy relationship No. 35/ 'If you're going out with someone, you occasionally want them to be naked'