Monday, February 27, 2006

Reviving the Tanner Posted by Picasa

Enter a doctor Posted by Picasa

The Mummers: Robin Hood and the Tanner fight! Posted by Picasa

IVFDF: Junction 24 ceilidh Posted by Picasa

The Tanner dead, Robin begins to have some regrets Posted by Picasa

IVFDF: Junction 24 ceilidh Posted by Picasa

Additions to 'Places I have fallen asleep':

1) At the Boka Halat ceilidh at the end of Saturday at IVFDF, about 2 metres from the band
2) Just now while sitting directly opposite my Modern History lecturer (as in about 2 feet away)

I woke up when I dropped my pen. I have some really interesting notes.....

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Add to that this morning's achievement of 'Right through my favourite lecture with lecturer who is going to be supervising me on this week's (non-existent) essay later on today, 1 time (but isn't that enough?!)'

I need saving. Any knights in relatively untarnished armour out there?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

la~ Posted by Picasa

Interesting places I have fallen asleep in during the last week:

1) In the break of my history lecture, 1 time
2) In my history lecture, right in front of the lecturer's nose, 1 time
3) In the OS library, 4 times
4) In my college library, 1/2 time (almost)
5) In the pub, on the same night, 3 times
6) In my armchair, 6 times
7) On my bed in the middle of the day, 4 times
8) While 'working', 9 times
9) While entertaining friends, 3 times
10) In lectures with my head propped on my hand in an attentive pose, 2 times
11) In the arms of a handsome young man after hours of passionate love-making, 0 times

Something tells me that it's just not quite fair.....

Monday, February 13, 2006


Chocolate spread out of the jar is the ultimate comfort food

Sunday, February 12, 2006

This week

New resolutions:

1) Do some work
2) Be happy
3) Make time for nice things
4) Stop stressing
5) Make sweet dumplings
6) Stop making stupid resolutions about not eating chocolate spread from the jar

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Resolutions for this week:

1) Stop over-analysing my lovelife
2) Do some work
3) Stop swearing so much (or at least use euphemisms like 'Bollcoks' or 'Balak's')
4) Stop eating chocolate spread from the jar

Must also remember to give biscuit tin back. And take off my nail polish (or re-do it). And must start going to Arabic lectures.....

Going to see Martha Tilston tonight! (If we can get in) Sam and Isla are coming too so my no-gossip resolution will have to be put aside for now.....
Bought a couple of newspapers this morning; one in German and one in Arabic. And even read some articles too! Woo!

And on the subject of no swearing, I used 'blasted' in an email yesterday. Quite impressive! However it was to my aged professor so anything stronger may have been inappropriate.
Well, certainly would have!

That's a good word, fnar.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wedding bells

Much to the relief of my various friends, I have decided to stop mooning and angsting over the boy. No more sitting down examining in fine detail every minute aspect of his behaviour, no more 'does he doesn't he?' chats, in short, no more gossip. Besides, I have decided that I am far better suited to celibacy than to relationships. That way I get to do everything exactly how and when I want, which is much better.

So bearing that in mind, today I married Ben, quite randomly and in exactly the way I've always wanted to get married. Wedding photos will be posted when we take some (we don't even have rings yet). All that remains is for him to bump off his previous spouse, using a cunningly disguised giraffe. In celebration I went to Boots and bought some tights, only to be told at the till that they were 3 for 2. Fantastic! So I now have lots of tights =)

In other news: I did some laundry, quite a lot in fact, so my room is now warm and damp and slightly citrusy in scent, though this is due to my clementines rather than my washing powder. I also did some Gilgamesh, and now have an essay to finish. I also discovered that Akkadian has possibly the oldest ditto sign in history! It is really quite fabulous and saves boring repetition of text in parts of the Flood story =D
I didn't get to Sainsburys in time to buy any bread, though =.=

But never mind. The Co-op stays open until 10pm on a Sunday! Yay for the Co-op of joy!

Ceilidh on Saturday next as well. Oh joy!!!!