Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A little meme for you all

"Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as stating this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names."

1) I used to play team lacrosse for my school. Never thought I was sporty, did you? :p

2) My first kiss was to the tune of Firestarter, by Prodigy. I never did get the guy's name.....

3) I write poetry. I promise you, though, it is not angst! I have never written an angsty poem in my life. I also enjoy writing fiction - always have done, used to get it read out at school - but I am such a lazy git I doubt I'll ever get round to finishing anything.....also everyone is doing it and I've always hated being one of the crowd!

4) I pull the ends of my eyebrows out when I'm stressed. Which is all the time. Then I have to draw them in again. Please don't stare at them when next you see me!

5) One of the best moments of my life was playing Bartok's 3rd Piano Concerto. For many many years I had wanted to be a musician and for a brief moment, I was one. Also, the ego boost of having an entire orchestra there JUST to accompany you is amazing!

6) I can't draw very well, I'm not an especially tidy musician (I can play, but not especially regularly!), I can sew in a functional way but not very precisely, my writing is all over the place.....but one thing I CAN do neatly with my hands is knit and crochet. Wool and I work together well. Anyone want a scarf for their birthday? I've got one in blue, purple and turquoise in a fairly manly sort of stitch.....

7) I had elocution lessons as a child. I have subsequently refused to use the received pronunciation which I, er, received. One day, though, I shall become a batty professor with the most perfectly rounded vowels you will ever have heard :D

8) I am terrified of church bells. I think it's called campophobia, which makes me sound like I'm scared of effeminate homosexuals. It's a very strange fear and one I only discovered at the age of 15 when climbing a church tower in Lubeck with a friend of mine. I was fine until I saw the bell, at which point my legs froze and refused to carry me further. I dragged myself up the stairs by my arms in order to look at the view from the window, gasped "Very nice!" and half-ran, half-fell back down about two flights to safety. These days, I don't go up church towers

9) I have a prescription of -10 in my left eye and -9.5 in the right.

10) My favourite colour is grey, not purple. Now there's a surprise!

Er, yeah. I tag everyone.

Happy New Year! Look at my Livejournal for my life.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Agh, want to post about women who work as prostitutes but am so tired. Will post tomoz ho[peflly - if not I'll tell uou all how tired I am!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Still know this exists.....just!

Boy trouble, which oddly enough is not bothering me like it should. Had another dream about him last night where he tried to be arsey and jealous (something I have occasionally tried to provoke before, unsuccessfully) and I was having none of it. I think that if I'd remained asleep I'd have dumped him. This is turning into a recurring theme of my nocturnal imaginings. If he'd only give me a ring I might actually do it.
The thing is, I'm pretty much not bothered by anything he's doing/not doing atm. And when he does ring/come over, I'm faintly irritated by him. This to me sounds like the end of a relationship. Another thing is that I've stopped learning things from this relationship, which also suggests stagnation. Also the fact that I keep thinking about all the other people in this world who could make me feel special and loved DOESN'T smack of a long-term future with the current boy.

I'm particularly thinking of girls atm. I think that, back in the summer, the trigger switch for my latent lesbianism was well and truly pressed. I have subsequently bought a mini skirt, a waistcoat, a men's shirt, I've cut my hair very short and have discovered the joys of gothy eyeliner, I have started properly hanging out with my sister and the LBG lot and I've kind of fallen for a girl in college (only a light-hearted mini-crush! She is taken, you see). But it seems that I am no longer repressing the thoughts or trying to hide the fact that I find women as attractive as men :) and next time I want a girl!

Otherwise things this weekend were lovely. I had a 12hr day at work on Saturday and was put in charge of the whole kitchen in the evening, despite never having worked in the kitchen on an evening before! But it was very quiet so we spent most of the time doing crosswords. I came home to my mum's delicious fish in homemade batter and carrot+potato mash which was utterly DELICIOUS and is soooooo something I'm trying next term when I want to impress! (Maybe for whoever my sweetie is on Valentine's Day!) On Sunday the parents and I went to look at golf clubs. Yes. My mother took up golf for the sake of her shoulder, and then my dad wanted to try, and then I did. And now my shoulder hurts like mad! When we got back I got out a load of recipe books to leanr how to make sweets and things so I can be REALLY impressive and stop Chris going on about how wonderful Cat is! If we are still going out, that is.....I don't think the shoulder was helped by my painting the hall on Sunday evening either, but it was good fun and I had paint on the soles of my feet after!

Ok I go shower now, then maybe into town for ingredients for sweeties :D Peppermint creams, truffles, praline.....mmmMMMMMMMMM!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Argh catch up post

Potted history of last few days, mostly lifted from LJ:

"Monday 27th: Last Reel Club of term tonight - was merry and joyous and involved Schiehallion, which I possibly like EVEN MORE than the Eightsome Reel, although only because it involves Highland steps, although so does the Eightsome so I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe I was just enjoying dancing with Ron :D And the Eightsome was marvellous, I was a man and got to do proper Highland rocking step which I learnt this evening, with the arms and everything (because I was a man, you see)! And I called Silver Tassie without once referring to my crib because I am just funky hehehe!
Rocking step is so great! I can't wait for the Highland class next term (I think) and of course all the scottish classes at IVFDF! Woohoohoo! By this time next year I want to be able to dance the Highland, argh. Maybe. But I haven't been dancing Highland since I was in the crib (cradle?) so I probably won't be any great shakes at it :)

And afterwards I hurried across town to catch the end of the musical rehearsal at Peterhouse, only to discover that everyone apart from Chris and Rosie had buggered off about ten minutes before I arrived, but at least it gave me an excuse to get some cash out so I could go BACK across town and join the other Scottish dancers in the pub, where I ordered a large gin and tonic before regaling everyone with the story of the Anzu bird told in my own style, with reference to Augusta McMahon, who I intend to be when I am grown up.

I love the scottish dancers! They are lovely lovely nice people. Me and Isla talked for ages in the corridor afterwards and it's all lovely and happy and panto is happening tomorrow which will involve in her lovely PVC outfit and me groping her bum and general funness and joy, and then my first ever Molly dancing which WILL kill me, and then there's the Assyriology party tomorrow night which will include SPICED CIDER which is so much better than my essay on Early Dynastic burials.

Joy and sparkles! I have a feeling I may have sparkled a little bit tonight :) *warm happy glow, tinged with alcohol and a sadness that I won't be dancing for some time after this week :(*"

"Tuesday 28th: Hmm. I was a wee bit pished last night, even when I wrote that. Anyway, I want a bit of a scottish dance ramble so I am indulging myself :)

However, first of all, I have a blue elbow. This has come about by my absent-mindedly donning a shirt which had a blue ink stain in the elbow (don't know how it got there, since I don't own any blue ink pens) but now it won't wash off! Most peculiar :D

Dancing last night! We did Trip to Bavaria, which is always an entertaining choice especially as by this point almost EVERYONE is singing along! Last term we had only Donald singing, then I joined in, then Daphne, and last night there was a wonderful rousing chorus from the whole room, thoroughly entertaining the newbies who haven't done it before :D:D:D
And I love Schiehallion! It's a fantastic dance and I'm so proud that Ron asked me to dance it. Ron is the big man of the Reel Club, an expert in Scottish dancing and the guy who runs the Hugh Fosse Society, so his asking me to dance the most complicated dance in the programme with him was quite a compliment! And we had so much fun with the highland stepping :D
Yay for dancing and scottishness and fun and so on. And I'm going to Molly this evening! Argh!

Ow. Burnt tongue. Careless drinking of tea can cause pain."

"Tuesday 28th, evening: I have now officially entered the world of morris! I danced my first two molly dances tonight and I seem to have been drafted into the side for Warwick Folk Festival :-O Wowness! I have waited for this day for ages and ages - am so glad my ankle seems to have coped with tonight's exertions.

Wow! Morris! Molly! Oh, the excitement!

I am the happiest I've been in quite some time!"

"Thursday 30th: My hair is fluffy and still pinky purple, my toenails are blue (paint, not medically related) and my brain has been screwed over by reading stuff in the library and I'm generally losing track of everything!

Last night I got mistaken for a man by one of the Jimmy's guys - I think he made the mistake with a few other people but the fact I was wearing a suit helped, I suppose. It was funnier when he asked Bendy if he was a girl, but that wasn't serious. He was a great guy, he was called David Hill and he came and joined in with the dancing at the end and tried to feel up Chris (at least I think he did, I wasn't watching but the comment "I'm not that sort of girl" suggests something went on out there) and was just generally a star! They really enjoyed The Matrix though, it was lovely - and they all sang along to The One and Only :)

THEN I went to Clare and saw Mr Benjamin Lambert in a beautiful blue dress portraying God in the Clare Christmas Panto "Paradise Lost". Utterly hilarious. I especially liked The Messiah ("please can I be a real boy, please?") and Sin was tremendous. Gabriel was portrayed as a squeaky Kum-By-Yah-singing guitar-strumming American type ("my dyspepsia's never been so bad!" "I never knew my parents and really you need a father figure and *sob*") and I must confess I came away with just a bit of a crush on Satan - such a good actor and a wonderfully camp performance :D

And Wednesday night was the most exclusive dinner in Cambridge - the Assyriology Dinner - and it was amazing! Posty came up with the idea of setting us a crossword in our exam this year since we're only doing college exams! And there were some wonderful jokes and a ziggurat cake, and I cooked the main course and it was ALL EATEN UP! And the placemats were beautiful and Matthew tried to carve the picture from the Hammurabi stele on the top of one of the candles, and it looked amazing! Wooo!"

"Friday 1st (or maybe Saturday 2nd, it was late!): Tired. Now the Red Ribbon Ball is over I'm feeling drained and uninspired, and still I can't sleep. Maybe it's that I now have to face the end of term and the prospect of living at my parents' for 6 weeks. Maybe it's the thought of packing. Maybe it's exhaustion from feeling that I have to do everything by myself for myself, that I can't ask for or expect anything and the continual fear that all the good things will just crumble around me right when I've got them balanced out nicely. I wish there was somewhere safe I could go and forget about things for a while but there isn't and even Handel isn't lifting my spirits.
There's always a down after the ups, though, isn't there? I've had my fun this week, now it's the last night of the panto and the after-show party, which knowing me will end miserably. I just wish I didn't have to go home after all this. I'd rather be alone in Cambridge than in Leam with my family. It's so lonely."

"Saturday 2nd: Wow. No miracle worked by the fast jig but a bouree has done the trick! Wahey for french dancing in mini skirts!"

So that's that. Totally not looking forward to the aftershow party, but then again Helen will be there which is nice, and Saf has promised - indeed has demanded - to come and sit with me when/if I get sad, so I'm not totally screwed :) I love having nice friends who care! They make life such a joy.

Also, Bellowhead, "Frogs Legs and Dragons Teeth". WOW.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I've found my flip flop!

Well, quite a lot has happened since last I posted, but I can't be bothered to share most of it.
Significant things include:

1) CULEish parties - Halloween and fireworks
2) Evil stomach bug
3) Much panto rehearsal
4) Reaffirming many important friendships
5) Fosse and Drury society of joy!
6) Dyeing my hair purple (though it's now faded to a sort of pinkish red kind of colour. Don't have any photos of me so I can't post what it looks like!)
7) Boy's 21st
8) My friend Saf's big 21st birthday ball

To talk about things in order, I have spent much time with various friends, improving relationships and hopefully establishing lasting friendships. This is especially important for me, as I find it very difficult to make friends and even harder to keep them! But anyway, to this end there have been many one on one lunches and social occasions which have been most enjoyable, and now I have people with whom I can share deep dark secrets because I know I can trust them enough not to betray me! Hurrah!
This has also involved some crying on shoulders, mostly on my shoulder, which while distressing is also a lovely feeling because if there's one thing I love doing it's trying to help people! So I have been feeling a much more rounded and caring person lately, and it helps me to put things in perspective - on the whole, at least.
Also along these lines was my helping Saf organise her ball - more specifically the ceilidh part of it, since that's my area of expertise! After a couple of worrying weeks of bands saying "Sorry, we're away/busy/engaged/recording," I finally managed to get hold of the marvellous Swindlers and Gentry, with whom I've worked before, so they came and gave us a fantastic ceilidh and I got my own round of applause during the speeches at the dinner, which was most gratifying if a little embarrassing! So yeah, if you're booking a ceilidh in the Cambridge area, go for The Swindlers and Gentry because they are a lovely band! They enjoyed playing for us - they said we were the best crowd they've ever played to. I told them that this was because we're almost all in panto and thus perfectly happy to throw ourselves into things and make fools of ourselves :D

Ah, panto. I am having serious trouble with the rehearsal schedule, especially since I'm such a small part that I don't feel inclined to go to too many rehearsals. It doesn't help that my other half is playing the dame and I'm having a few problems in that area atm - the OH area, not the daming area. However the dancing and singing so far has been muchly fun and not as boring as I thought it might be - I've even learned how to moonwalk.....well, kind of at least!

CULES parties are fun. That is all I can say! But not quite as fun as the FOSSE AND DRURY SOCIETY of pure undistilled joy! Last time we danced the Celtic Cross, which is an exceedingly complicated dance in a star set, which I'd never seen before. We need to start thinking about a display for IVFDF fairly soon, and I've a feeling that this'n may well be put forward!

After the dancing, almost immediately, in fact, I came down with an evil stomach bug of doom, which was miserable and upon which I am NOT going to dwell. But it did make for my nextdoor neighbour being very lovely and giving me juice and offering chicken soup (wisely refused!) - but it's the thought that counts.

***Caution. Relationship rant follows***

Since then I have been feeling...well, not so sound in body and definitely not so sound in mind. Most of the issues are due to tiredness, I'm sure, as well as trying to catch up on work while fitting in rehearsals, ball organising and my boy's 21st birthday, for which I made a cottage pie (which took me most of the morning) and generally fretted a lot to make it nice. I have been down ever since, because I feel under-appreciated. I worked hard to give him a happy day and I know I succeeded but I didn't receive any especial acknowledgement, and Saf's ball distracted attention, as did an especially fun birthday card he was given. I know it's childish to dwell on things like this and that I should be doing it for his enjoyment alone, but when combined with all the other factors that are making me feel skanky it's really not helping. Last night at rehearsal, he barely spoke to me - admittedly I was a little cool with him, but I was feeling unhappy and that makes me clam up utterly. I need him to make the first move and it tires me out when time and time again he doesn't. The general lack of communication also bothers me. He's been very stressed this week and as such has disappeared into a work and panto filled void, leaving me wondering where he is, what he's doing and when I'll next be able to spend time with him. Last night he did actually tell me when next he's going to be free, but I've the feeling it's too late. I'm just too tired to deal with everything atm and have the strong desire to crawl underneath my blanket and hide in my own little world of Akkadian and dance. I wish there was some way of suspending relationships temporarily! I could just do without stressing atm.....and it doesn't help that I have to see him every night at rehearsal and that he expects everything to be the same whenever he sees me.

And it's damned cold atm and that always upsets me. My fingers are in such pain, and the central heating ISN'T FUCKING WORKING!

Ah well, at least I have Cecilia Bartoli to cheer me up by singing opera at me (from a CD, of course, not sitting around in my room). If ever I am down and need reminding of all the good in the world, I listen to opera and am reminded of how much beauty there can be. Which coming from someone who up until about 2 years ago hated opera is quite something.....

Oh yes, and I've found my flip flop. It was in my bag of washing.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A little more from the land of Camb

I have lost a flip flop. Just the one. I've looked all over my room but I have no idea where it's gone. This means I'm now going to the shower in one flip flop (a flip?), which looks weird. I suppose I could go in bare feet, but that would be simple.

In other news, the essay of prehistoric doom is dying! I spent 3 hours in the UL killing it (and playing solitaire just a little bit) and have as a consequence discovered a new form of fear - descending from the 6h floor in the lift.....I found it best not to think on the way down, but I was exceedingly relieved when it got to the 1st floor without mishap. Also managed to get myself locked in by not leaving at 25 to 5 (it's open til 5, ffs!) and then finding the door locked. Cue brief moment of panic when I thought I was going to be stuck there overnight before I discovered the other door was open.

Ah well. I had a lovely lovely night out last night, followed by a lovely lovely night in, followed by an angle-grinder, which I hope is sorted out now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006