Things to make me happy
Just back from Edinburgh (well, yesterday) which is a truly marvellous city, but very tiring.
Current music - Shostakovich: Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and Strings
Current mood - tired and mithered
Things to make me happy:
1) Kind people. And it's amazing how many of them there are. This week has been emotionally quite draining, and yet at the same time I've discovered just how friendly complete strangers can be, even those who are quite clearly worse off. For example, on Friday, in a state of melancholy, I passed by a homeless chap and responded to his request for some spare change with a shake of the head and carried on going, staring at the floor - only to be answered by a call of, 'That's ok, sorry to bother you, hope you feel better soon love.' Amazing how guilty that one comment made me feel, and yet shows how compassionate people can be sometimes. Another incident involved the man I was sitting next to on the way back, who witnessed my few tears at leaving the boy, and once I'd dried up said, 'Are you alright, love? You'll see him again soon, you know.' Unexpected sympathy is really quite startling!
"Isn't it true what small can do?"
2) Second-hand bookshops. Edinburgh is FULL of them! This week I picked up a marvellous selection. I have a beautiful red-bound copy of The Three Musketeers, another of the book that follows, Twenty Years After, a copy of 'Anna of the Five Towns' which I have been searching for for AGES, and a Jean-Paul Sartre (in the original!), and all that for less than £20! Fabulous. I'm just kicking myself for a fool that I didn't buy the two books in the Musketeers series that follow 'Twenty Years After', which were stunning Victorian editions but unfortunately cost £15 each. Which would have made it rather less of a bargain.
3) My hair. I have *shock horror* had it cut off! It's now really short and is wonderfully quick to wash and dry and has received many many compliments for its utter funkiness. Photos here (or they will be later on when I add them to Flikr). The only photo of my hair is also of me on Rocky Horror night, so rest assured that I don't always look like that!
4) Shostakovich, especially his Second Piano Concerto
Things that make me happy aside, I am not going through a very good patch atm. I am feeling swamped by a sense of loss. Many of my good friends are being forced away from me by the machinations of some unpleasant twist of fate, and I am having trouble relating to my boyfriend, no matter how hard I try. It's all combining to make me feel a little bruised and delicate, hence the current tearfulness! Hopefully I'll get used to the situation soon, and in the meantime I have my books and my job to take my mind off things! I just hope I don't come across as clingy over the next couple of months - if I do, please take it as a compliment because it probably means that I'm terrified of losing you!
And to end, have a peculiar quiz:
![]() Your movie star name: Chocolate Anthony Your fashion designer name is Hannah Paris Your socialite name is Bonnie Berlin Your fly girl / guy name is H Joh Your detective name is Cat Oakham Your barfly name is Chocolate Gin Your soap opera name is Claire Lime Your rock star name is Fruit Mentos Kangaroo Your Star Wars name is Hanshe Johchr Your punk rock band name is The Chipper Orange |