Things that have happened recently:1) The Wine Bar opened, giving me the opportunity to play with my corkscrew and to entertain small 5 year olds with the idea that there is a Borrower in my apron pocket.
2) Bromyard Folk Festival; only the Saturday but it was well worth it. I got to have a fangirl moment when Jon Boden
Jon Boden!!! walked into the main tent and stood
right next to me! *
eek! fangirl!* Seeing
Chris Stout play live was incredibly exciting too, but the best moment was when I wandered past the art centre only to hear the familiar and unmistakable strains of his fiddling. The tune he was playing was Hillswick - he was doing his sound check, and I had arrived just in time to hear the end of it. Sitting in the sunset with my cider, listening to my favourite fiddler of all time for the first time live in my life. Couldn't have been better. The moment lasted all of five minutes before I suddenly became aware of some singing. Sea shanties. How very intrusive. However, we couldn't work out where they were coming from, until one bright spark twigged that the sound was being broadcast through the tannoy system! (We were sitting in the Bromyard FC ground). Most entertaining :) Then the great man himself appeared, and borrowed a corkscrew from the sound guy so he could open some wine!
(Wine! At a folk festival! How very high class.) More about the wine follows. During Chris Stout and Catriona McKay's set, the man himself got up and wandered off the stage, leaving Catriona to play a solo. She hadn't started said solo before he was back, muttering, "Have you got the keys?". He then turned to the audience and said, "The reason Catriona was going to play you a solo was so that I could go and get some more wine from the car. Unfortunately, she's got the keys! So if you could just, without the audience noticing, pass me the keys....." There followed a swift and unsubtle change, and he retreated once more to much laughter, returning with his drink.
So my idol is a wino? Well, here I shall insert the words of Snack from Father of the Pride, for no other reason than they are vaguely connected and make me laugh:
"Hey! I've taken to drinking in the afternoon, and to make it more socially acceptable I'm pretending I'm into wine!"
Anyway, that aside, there were some more humerous moments that evening. During Spiers and Boden's set, "Squeezy" John Spiers was entertaining about his local Morris side, Abingdon Morris; "They generally don't like you....." *pause to general audience amusement, before resumption* "They generally don't like you to play their tunes, they generally don't like you to dance their dances, and to be honest they generally don't like you to watch them dance the dances....."
Real comic star of the night was Vin Garbutt, humerous folk singer of Middlesborough. Who'd have thought that a heart operation could be so funny?
3) I seem to be having an odd effect on my socks. They are spontaneously (no, really) developing holes. I have gone through 7 socks so far this week (the boy is blaming me for a hole in one of his, though I think that's just him trying to wind me up). However, it gave me the excuse to purchase MORE SOCKS! when in Birmingham yesterday.
4) Speaking of Birmingham, yesterday I indulged myself, having earned a considerable amount this month. I bought a dress of a somewhat gothy style *blush* which is still absolutely goooooooooooorgeous. I may wear it tonight, in fact, for no other reason than it's there and I can. And most excitingly of all, I finally gave way to my cravings of over a year now and bought myself a rather smart
waistcoat. It's the start of an inevitable slide into cross-dressing which I have been resisting for far too long. Now I merely need a suit jacket, and possibly some trousers. And a tie. And then I can go out properly dragged up. *delight*
5) This weekend turned out to be dirtier than I expected.
6) The bathroom door is sticking once more. For some as yet unexplained reason it has begun to do this every year - last year my mother was stuck in there for over an hour, prompting cries of "Oh dear, I'm stuck in the lavatory!" Father has now removed the lock, which is amusing whenever we have guests - compounding the general bemusement directed at our peculiar hot tap which turns the wrong way, causing merry confusion and much spraying of boiling water when the uninitiated attempt to turn it off.
7) For amusement value, I shall relate the tale of the boy calling last night. He rarely calls me, not out of lack of caring but through general inability to understand that I like to hear from him even if he doesn't have very much to say, so whenever he DOES unexpectedly call, I'm generally so surprised that I tend to ask immediately if he is ok. Ah well, at least I don't open the conversation with 'What's wrong?' God knows what I'd do if he bought me flowers.....Anyway, he rang me last night, just in time for the conclusion of a rather exciting and, for me, relevant Poirot episode, set in Egypt. Ahh the excitement
(But they broke into the tomb by smashing the door seal!!! How could they???!!! There's a world of stuff we can learn from door seals! Bloody tomb raiders.....) However, even without his call I would have managed to miss the denoument as I was attempting to cook dinner at the same time. And thus last night I properly graduated into womanhood, as I was on the phone, watching the telly AND cooking all at the same time - the true definition of multi-tasking!
Moving on.....Bad things that have happened this week:Much rowing with the BQFH.
Missed most of Saturday due to argument and a large traffic jam, therefore didn't get to dance or sing.
Failed to educate boy on why women enjoy talking to their other halves and that it isn't an odd thing to call each other once or even twice a day.
Amusing things said this week:1) Boy: "So, how was your morning?"
Me: *long protracted growl* "Fucking bitch queen from hell!"
(cheerfully): "Yes, how is your mother?"
2) PC World advert: "Norton Internet Security, now half price!"
Myself and my father, in unison, "Bugger!" (having bought the full price version just days before)
3) Jonny: "It must be terrifying going out with you!"