well, i posted that just a few minutes ago, wandered upstairs again to try the link and it seems to be working after all! So get online and msn me!*
*only if you want to, of course.....
well, i posted that just a few minutes ago, wandered upstairs again to try the link and it seems to be working after all! So get online and msn me!*
There's always problems moving from place to place.
why is it that the day you need to cycle quickly across cambridge to get your packing done, the tourists come out in full force?
just got back from clare bop - rather tired, and covered in stage blood! it has congealed on my face and hands, my hair has gone wild and my eyeshadow has ..... shifted.....
the weather at the moment is rather pleasant - so nice, in fact, that only a vest was required this morning when cycling to newnham from magdalene. I did however wear a skirt and my stupidly impractical furry boots, because i felt it would be a little unkind to inflict upon the innocent residents of cambridge the sight of me on a bike in just a vest. not to mention the fact that bare feet and bike pedals don't mix.
(he's the one second from the left)
this is just so people can keep track of my exciting and fast-paced life - so exciting and fast-paced that I am finding it hard keeping in contact with my vast numbers of friends.