Monday, March 21, 2005


well, i posted that just a few minutes ago, wandered upstairs again to try the link and it seems to be working after all! So get online and msn me!*

*only if you want to, of course.....


There's always problems moving from place to place.
I'm back at home now, going through the motions of unpacking *sigh*. But, as ever, there is a problem. This time the radio link isn't working, so I'm trying to update on the main computer with people peering over my shoulder constantly, and also, worst of all, no MSN!!!! *sobs* Don't know what I shall do without it. So if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why.
Also, the software for downloading photos doesn't seem to want to function on my computer, and the software for uploading them onto this is on Andrew's, not mine, and I can't download it because the radio link is broken!
It's all going rather wrong.....
So no pics of Lady Macbeth and co, or of the christmas bop, for some time to come, I'm afraid.....
Not that anyone cares.....

Saturday, March 19, 2005


why is it that the day you need to cycle quickly across cambridge to get your packing done, the tourists come out in full force?
i nearly killed about 7 families in one ride!
bloody tourists.
well, if they walk across the road without looking for cyclists, there's not a lot i can do, is there?

on plus side, i have a comp ticket to a concert tonight, in return for page-turning last week (which probably wasn't enough of an inconvenience to me to warrant the receipt of a free ticket to one of the foremost baroque music societies in Britain, but you won't catch me complaining!)
but if the tourists get in my way, they are going to die.....


just got back from clare bop - rather tired, and covered in stage blood! it has congealed on my face and hands, my hair has gone wild and my eyeshadow has ..... shifted.....
it was all rather good, really. ben and i amused various cambridge residents by running through the streets in costume (ben went as loki, the norse fire god), we bought cassis and drank it steadily throughout the night, i taught various people the jitterbug and caught up on the news etc. i didnt even mind the cheesy music once id got enough alcohol inside me!
another friend of mine, paul, went as god. rather amusing, since someone else went as jesus, and insisted on calling him "dad" for the whole of the evening.
and, best bit of the night - had my photo taken in gardies again! so soon ben and i shall once more be in our rightful place on the wall of gardies.
but now lady macbeth is going to make her way towards the shower and try to rid herself of this damned congealed fake blood and all the knots in her hair!
photos shall follow very shortly.....

Friday, March 18, 2005

pretty picture just for tristachen - thought you would appreciate it my dear! Posted by Hello

a slightly more normal photo of andrew. he doesnt go in for all that make-up every day - too much effort. with him are lydia (centre, lively, slightly mad) and sam (left, sidney organist, very mad). i was trying to find one of him not surrounded by crowds of girls, but it seems that that's rarely the case, so..... Posted by Hello


the weather at the moment is rather pleasant - so nice, in fact, that only a vest was required this morning when cycling to newnham from magdalene. I did however wear a skirt and my stupidly impractical furry boots, because i felt it would be a little unkind to inflict upon the innocent residents of cambridge the sight of me on a bike in just a vest. not to mention the fact that bare feet and bike pedals don't mix.
(a moments explanation - newnham is my college at cambridge. magdalene is andrews college. andrew is the senior organ scholar at magdalene. he has a rather impressive room. i am not a scholar of any sort at newnham. i have a very unimpressive room. i live with andrew. in magdalene. in the last five weeks i think i have spent about 3 days in total in newnham college, in collected hours. hopefully this will clarify things a little.....)
andrew is off to a party tonight. it is in the middle of nowhere and will involve him staying the night. being a bit of an antisocial git he doesn't want to go, and also and he has a concert tomorrow which will occupy him from 1 til 10, and he wants some sleep.
i don't want him to go either. we only have two days til i go home and won't see him for four weeks - longest stretch apart since we started going out.
what a selfish moo.
but i shall cope somehow *sobs* and i have a hell of a lot of work (welcome to cambridge!)
on the other hand, i am also going to a party tonight - clare easter bop, theme "myths, legends and stories". with the aid of a black dress and a bottle of stage blood, i intend to go as lady macbeth. should be interesting. last bop was christmas themed and i was november claws' similarly sized helper (explanation will be given at a later stage). as soon as i sort out damned camera software i shall post some pics from said event, as well as from this one.
twas a rough night.....
anyhow, that's enough for now. i have to transport some of my things over to newnham to pack up for the holiday.
*hate packing*


(he's the one second from the left)

i'm not actually in the photo at all, btw. just in case you were wondering.

so, everyone, meet andrew, my boyfriend.  Posted by Hello


this is just so people can keep track of my exciting and fast-paced life - so exciting and fast-paced that I am finding it hard keeping in contact with my vast numbers of friends.
Antisocial? Me?
and of course, so everyone can see the lovely pictures I shall upload! How terribly exciting!


how exciting!